Monday, January 31, 2022

ART 21

Elliot Hundley

Diverse - Hundley uses multiple mediums and creates 2-D as well as 3-D sculptures. Hundley is very methodical when he is in process of taking images of his subjects however when he is picking scraps for his collage work, he pulls multiple pieces from an envelope and lets the scraps take him on a journey. I enjoy letting your end point be a mystery and allowing your process take you wherever the medium flows. 

Eccentric- Hundleys work is genuinely out of the box, he uses unusual mediums to convey his references of Greek tragedy and classical mythology. His work although unconventional, he has a purpose in his work that can still be conveyed. My perception of his work is in depth research of wanting to discover each detail, and what their meanings were meant to be.

In relation to Elements & Principles Hundley’s work although seeming chaotic is throughly thought out and formed symmetrically with a focal point. He doesn’t have a direction when he begins and allows the art to reach a point as to where is begins to speak to him. For me I see many things within this work, “I’ll get you” for one; is a little horrifying and plays to the negative connotation within the graphics of this piece.this work have the look of a face and sorrow of eyes peering out. To me i feel as though this is the inner voice inside us that is trying to come out and eat at us until we let go or it kills us. 

Hundly has many forms of art and uses of medium to create work. The Elements & Principles in this piece is very organic in the way the lines are formed. This work also has use of color to force the eye in certain directions. I can interpret a lot from this work. There is an Japanese influence that i get from this and to me it look as thought there is a great fight happening and we are possible in activism toward saving an oceanic animal. Where we see them suffer and bleed out in the the hopes for survival.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

   A Few of My Favorite Things

1. The Mary Poppins board- Mary Poppins is one of my favorite movies and what better way to add her into my world than with an arts and craft project that is surrounded by positive vibes. This work also contains one of my most beloved collections, pressed pennies. I needed a way to share my pennies that could go anywhere I did but nothing in a book. These pressed pennies tie into my theme of Mary Poppins as I acquired each of the ones from this set while traveling to London, UK.

2. A Eagles Rubber Duckie- This themed duck shows where I am from and the sports team that I am a fan of but these are not the main reasons why this item is one of my favorite things. I keep many rubber duckies by my Sink where I start each day as a reminder to always be a duck. Ducks let the water roll right off their backs and I believe that the things that the things we cannot change in life, we should let them roll right off of us too. 

3. Mickey Mouse Camera- I have a passion for photography and enjoy all aspects from the different types of a eras over the years and how unique they can be and the moments we can capture within them. I am rarely in photos as people see the world from my eyes but when I touch a photograph I begin a journey through history and relive every moment captured in time. I also enjoy collecting cameras of all kinds. I try to find the most unique cameras I can. I am currently on the hunt for a vintage Girl Scout Camera.

4. Uni-Penguin- Penguins are one of my favorite animals, when ever I see one there is no stopping me cracking a smile. I could sit at any “zoo” and stare at the penguins all day. When my son Gavin was 3 we took him to SeaWorld for his birthday where we were able to get up close and pet the penguins, making that a day I will never forget. This Penguin however, is the most special penguin I could have ever received. This was the very first Christmas present Gavin picked out on his own, and I was so proud that he took the time and thought to get me something that he knew I loved and would make me laugh. (Being that it is also a Unicorn)

5. Cookbook- I think with technology being so easily accessible cookbooks can easily be forgotten. I love the touch of a cookbook and the memories they can hold in them. My favorite cookbook is a Christmas cookbook, as this usually means my mom and I are together in the kitchen.

6. A Picture of me with my Granny Rachel- I didn’t have many years of my life with my granny but i can remember so much of her in my early years of life. She was my mother’s favorite person and taking the place as my mother’s best friend I enjoy hearing all the special moments they had together. This is my favorite photo of us together as I look up to the amazing woman she was and the sun shines through on us as she looks like an angel looking back at me. 

7. A picture of my friend Josh Green- Josh Green and I went to school together years ago and grew a special bond. After, we graduated High School we still talked a lot but never saw much of one another. He had a little girl and loved her so dearly. Sadly Josh passed away before I could see him one last time. This is one of my favorite photos of us together because this was when we were on top of the world with our 2 best friends. We loved each other in a special way. I have been through a lot of loss in my short life and I always have to remember to be grateful for the people around me as tomorrow is never promised. 

8. A Heart Cookie from Germany- My favorite item most of all is this Cookie with the writing that says “Ich Liebe DIch”, the cookie is not what makes this my favorite thing, it is the words and the giver who makes this item so special. My father gave me this cookie after a trip to Germany, one of his favorite places. As long as I can remember my dad and I have always had a bond that no one could understand. Although we didn’t get along all the time (what father daughter duo does?), we definitely had our own love language. This phrase means I Love You in German and no matter what is going on in my life and how long or short our conversations may be we always end them with “Ich Liebe Dich”. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

 Elements & Principles

Focal Point
Gladys Paulus

Focal Point
Makenzie Ayers

Gregor’s Room

“A visual response to the short story The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. ” White Copy Paper, Ink, Coffee ( No Adhesives ) 10” x 7” x 4” Artis...